What do Rottweilers Usually Die From?

Don’t you just adore the loyalty and strength of our Rottweiler friends? They’re amazing, right? But have you ever wondered what health issues they might face?

It’s important to know because, as their guardians, it’s our job to keep them happy and healthy.

So what do Rottweilers usually die from?

Some of the most common causes of death in rottweilers, if not old age, are cancer, heart disease, hip dysplasia, and bloat. Regular vet check-ups, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and monitoring your Rottie’s behavior can help in early detection and prevention of these common causes of death.

Further in this article, we will discuss 9 more common causes of death and share some tips on how to prolong the life of a rottweiler.

Common Causes of Death in Rottweilers

Hip Dysplasia

You’ve probably heard of this one, right? Hip dysplasia is when a dog’s hip joint doesn’t develop quite right, and it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.

Unfortunately, it’s pretty common in Rottweilers. The best way to help prevent this is by keeping your Rottie at a healthy weight and giving them regular exercise. But hey, that’s a good idea for any dog, right?


This is a big one, and it’s pretty sad. Cancer is a leading cause of death in Rottweilers. They’re more likely to get a type of cancer called osteosarcoma, which affects their bones.

Make sure you take your Rottie to the vet for regular check-ups, and if you notice any weird lumps or bumps, get them checked out right away.

Remember, early detection can make all the difference!

Heart Disease

Rottweilers can have heart problems, just like people. One common issue is called subvalvular aortic stenosis, which is a fancy way of saying there’s a problem with one of the heart’s valves.

If you notice your Rottie is getting tired super quickly or having trouble breathing, it’s definitely worth talking to your vet.

They might be able to help your pup out with some medication or other treatments.

Bloat (Gastric Torsion)

Bloat can be really dangerous for dogs, and Rottweilers are at a higher risk for it. It happens when their stomach fills up with gas and twists around.

This can be life-threatening, so it’s important to know the signs. If your Rottie has a swollen belly, seems like they’re in pain, or is trying to throw up but can’t, you should get them to the vet ASAP.

To help prevent bloat, try feeding your dog smaller meals more often, and don’t let them gulp down water too fast.


Rottweilers, like many dogs, can develop allergies. They could be allergic to things like pollen, dust, or even food ingredients. If you notice your Rottie scratching a lot, licking their paws, or having skin issues, it might be allergies. Your vet can help you figure out what’s causing it and find a solution to keep your pup comfortable.

Ear Infections

Our Rottie pals can get ear infections, too. Their ears are a bit floppy, which can trap moisture and make it easier for infections to happen. Keep an eye out for redness, swelling, or a stinky smell coming from their ears. If you notice any of that, it’s time for a trip to the vet.

Eye Problems

Rottweilers can have a few different eye issues, like cataracts or progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). If your Rottie starts bumping into things or seems to have trouble seeing, it’s a good idea to have their eyes checked out by a vet. Catching these problems early can help keep your dog’s vision in tip-top shape.

Panosteitis (Growing Pains)

Rottweilers are big dogs, and they grow pretty fast. Sometimes, this can cause a condition called panosteitis, which is basically growing pains. It usually affects young dogs and causes them to have pain and swelling in their legs. If your Rottie is limping or seems to be in pain, it’s a good idea to check in with your vet.


Rottweilers love to eat, but they can be prone to obesity if we’re not careful. Being overweight can lead to other health problems, like heart disease and joint issues. So, make sure your Rottie gets regular exercise and eats a balanced diet. Don’t forget to measure their food and watch those treats!

How do you know a Rottweiler is dying?

It’s tough to talk about, but it’s important to know the signs that a Rottweiler, or any dog, might be nearing the end of their life.

Being able to recognize the signs will help you make the best decisions for your furry pal and give them the love and care they need.

So, let’s go through some signs that your Rottweiler might be dying:

Loss of Appetite

If your Rottie suddenly doesn’t want to eat or has a much smaller appetite than usual, it could be a sign that something’s wrong. It’s normal for dogs to eat a little less as they get older, but a big drop in appetite might mean it’s time for a chat with your vet.

Trouble Breathing

If your Rottweiler is having a hard time catching their breath, even when they’re not doing anything active, it could be a sign of a serious health problem. Keep an eye on their breathing and listen for any strange noises like wheezing or coughing.

Weakness and Lethargy

We all know Rottweilers can be pretty energetic. But if your pup suddenly seems super tired all the time, or they’re having trouble getting up and moving around, it could be a sign that they’re not feeling their best.

Changes in Bathroom Habits

If your Rottie starts having accidents in the house or has trouble going to the bathroom, it might be a sign that something’s up. Keep an eye on their bathroom habits and check for any changes in the color or consistency of their poop or pee.

Disinterest in Favorite Activities

You know your Rottweiler best, and if they suddenly don’t want to play with their favorite toys or go for walks like they used to, it could be a sign that they’re not feeling well. Pay attention to their usual hobbies and routines and watch for any big changes.

Seeking Isolation

Sometimes, when dogs aren’t feeling well, they’ll want to be alone. If your Rottie starts hiding or spending more time by themselves, it might be a sign that they’re not doing too great.

Changes in Appearance

Look out for any changes in your Rottweiler’s appearance, like weight loss, dull fur, or sunken eyes. These can be signs that they’re not feeling well and might be nearing the end of their life.

Tips to increase your Rottweiler’s Life

We all want our Rottweilers to live long, happy lives, so I’ve got some tips for you on how to help increase your Rottie’s lifespan.

Let’s make sure our furry pals stay with us for as long as possible!

  1. Regular Vet Check-ups: Make sure your Rottweiler gets regular check-ups at the vet, at least once a year. This way, any health issues can be caught early and treated before they become serious problems. Prevention is key!
  2. Healthy Diet: Feed your Rottie a balanced, high-quality dog food that meets their nutritional needs. Make sure you’re giving them the right amount, too—overeating can lead to obesity, which can cause other health problems.
  3. Exercise: Rottweilers need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. Make sure your pup gets plenty of walks, playtime, and mental stimulation. This will help keep their weight in check and their muscles strong.
  4. Maintain a Healthy Weight: As I mentioned earlier, obesity can cause a bunch of health issues. Keep an eye on your Rottie’s weight, and if they start to get a little chunky, talk to your vet about adjusting their diet and exercise routine.
  5. Prevent Parasites: Keep your Rottie protected from parasites like fleas, ticks, and heartworms. Talk to your vet about the best preventative treatments for your dog, and make sure to keep up with them consistently.
  6. Socialization and Training: A well-trained and socialized Rottweiler is a happy one! Make sure your pup gets plenty of opportunities to interact with other dogs and people, and work on their training regularly. A well-behaved dog is less likely to get into dangerous situations.
  7. Keep Your Rottie Safe: Always make sure your Rottweiler is in a safe environment. Keep them on a leash when you’re out and about, and make sure your home and yard are secure. This will help prevent accidents and injuries.
  8. Watch for Signs of Illness: Pay attention to your Rottweiler’s behavior and appearance. If you notice any changes or signs of illness, get in touch with your vet right away. Early intervention can make a big difference in your dog’s health.

Final Thoughts

Remember, your Rottie relies on you to take care of them, so stay on top of their health and well-being. They’ll thank you with lots of love and loyalty!

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