Rottweiler Growth Chart (from Puppy to Adulthood)

When my Rottweiler was a puppy, I found myself worrying all the time about whether her growth was on track. Was she getting too big, too fast? Or maybe not growing quickly enough?

I was on the phone with my vet so often, asking if my pup was underweight or overweight for her age, that finally, my vet put together a growth chart for Rottweilers and handed it over to me.

This growth chart can be a lifesaver for anyone with a Rottweiler puppy. It helps you keep track of your pup’s healthy weight according to its age, and it can even give you a sneak peek into what size your puppy will be when it’s all grown up.

If you’re as curious as I was, you’ll find this article super handy!

Rottweiler Growth Stages

Puppy Stage (0-6 months)

0-2 Months: This is when they’re the smallest and cutest! They’ll mostly eat, sleep, and play. You’ll notice them growing quite fast in these early weeks.

3-6 Months: They’ll keep growing fast and start to develop more of their unique personality. It’s essential to start training during this time to help them learn good habits.

Juvenile Stage (6-12 months)

6-9 Months: This is when they might start to act more independent and a bit stubborn, just like human teenagers. But don’t worry, keep up with their training and playtime, and they’ll be fine.

9-12 Months: The growth slows down, and you’ll see them becoming more mature. You might notice they’re less hyper and starting to behave more like adults.

Adolescent Stage (1-2 years)

1-1.5 Years: At this stage, they’ll look almost fully grown, but they’re still filling out. You might see changes in their coat, and they may test boundaries, so it’s good to stick with their training.

1.5-2 Years: They’ll mostly be growing in muscle now. You’ll also notice they’re more settled and understand their place in your family.

Adult Stage (2+ years)

2+ Years: This is when your Rottweiler has reached its full size. They might still change a little in muscle, but they’re done getting taller. It’s time to enjoy your fully grown and loyal companion!

Remember, these are just general stages, and each Rottweiler might grow a little differently. Good food, lots of love, and regular exercise can make the whole growing-up thing a smooth ride for your furry friend.

Rottweiler Weight and Height Chart

Knowing the expected weight and height for your Rottweiler can help you ensure they are growing healthily. Below are two different tables for male and female Rottweilers. Keep in mind that these are ideal ranges, and individual dogs may vary.

Male Rottweiler Weight and Height Chart

AgeIdeal Height Range (inches)Ideal Weight Range (lbs)
4 weeks old6-85-8
8 weeks old8-1010-15
3 months old14-1730-40
4 months old15-1835-50
5 months old16-1940-55
6 months old17-2050-65
7 months old18-2255-70
8 months old19-2360-75
9 months old20-2465-80
10 months old21-2570-85
11 months old22-2675-90
1 year old23-2780-100
2 years old24-2795-135
3 years old24-2795-135

Female Rottweiler Weight and Height Chart

AgeIdeal Height Range (inches)Ideal Weight Range (lbs)
4 weeks old6-85-8
8 weeks old8-1010-15
3 months old14-1730-40
4 months old15-1835-50
5 months old16-1940-55
6 months old17-2050-65
7 months old18-2255-70
8 months old19-2360-75
9 months old20-2465-80
10 months old21-2570-85
11 months old22-2675-90
1 year old23-2780-100
2 years old24-2795-135
3 years old24-2795-135

Factors that affect the growth of a Rottweiler

1. Diet and Nutrition

Just like we need good food to grow, Rottweilers need the right kind of food too.

Puppy Food: Make sure you’re giving them the right food meant for puppies. It has the stuff they need to grow. Here are some of the best puppy food for rottweilers.

Portion Sizes: Feed them the right amount. Too much or too little can mess up their growth.
Healthy Treats: Treats are awesome, but make sure they’re healthy and not too many!

2. Exercise

Exercise isn’t just about having fun (though it’s definitely fun!); it’s about growing strong.

Regular Playtime: Playing fetch or going for walks helps their bones and muscles grow the right way.

Not Too Much: Be careful not to overdo it, though. Too much exercise might hurt their joints.

Here are some fun ways to exercise your rottweiler.

3. HealthCare

Taking your Rottweiler to the vet is like going to the doctor for a check-up.

Regular Vet Visits: The vet can make sure everything’s growing as it should be.
Vaccinations: Keeping them up-to-date on shots helps them stay healthy.

4. Genetics

This one’s a bit tricky because it’s out of our control.

Parents’ Size: If their parents were big or small, your Rottweiler might be too.

Purebred vs. Mixed: Sometimes, if they’re mixed with another breed, they might grow differently. Here’s how to find a pure bred rottweiler.

5. Environment

Where they live and who they live with matters too!

Stress-Free Home: If they’re happy and comfortable, they’ll grow better.

Training and Socialization: Teaching them manners and getting them used to people and other dogs helps them grow up happy.

It might seem like a lot, but with some love, care, and maybe a bit of advice from your vet, you’ll have it down in no time.

How Big Do Rottweilers Grow?

Every Rottweiler grows differently, and there are a few ways to kind of guess how big they’ll get. You can take a peek at the weight and height chart we talked about earlier, but remember, that’s just a rough guide.

If you really want to get a good idea, you might want to look at your Rottweiler’s parents if you can. Like, if both parents are super big, there’s a chance your pup will be big too. But if they’re on the smaller side, your Rottweiler might end up being a bit smaller as well.

Your vet can be a big help too. They’ll look at how your Rottweiler’s growing, what you’re feeding them, and all that stuff, and they might give you a better idea.

One thing you should remember, though, is that it’s not just about how big they get. What’s really cool is watching them grow, learn new things, and become part of your family.

Whether they end up being on the smaller side or turn into a gentle giant, they’ll still be your awesome, loving Rottweiler. If you want to know more about it, here’s an entire article on how big do rottweilers grow.

At what age do Rottweilers stop growing?

Rottweilers are one of those dog breeds that take a little longer to grow up. Imagine being in a growth spurt for not just a few months but a couple of years! Kinda wild, right?

But when do Rottweilers stop growing?

Male, as well as female Rottweilers, typically complete their growth in stages. Their height growth generally concludes by the time they reach around 1 to 1.5 years of age. However, they continue to fill out and develop in muscle and mass, reaching their full adult weight and physical maturity around the age of 2 to 2.5 years.

It is worth noting that individual growth can vary, and factors such as genetics, diet, and overall health can influence the specific growth timeline for a particular dog.

But you know, every dog is unique, just like every person is. Some might stop growing a bit earlier, and some might take a little longer. It’s all good, as long as they’re healthy and happy.

So if you’ve got a Rottweiler and you’re wondering when they’ll be all grown up, give them till they’re about 2 to 3 years old. They’ll be full-grown and looking all majestic by then.

Final Thoughts

Every Rottweiler is unique, and understanding them better just helps us take care of them in the best way possible.

If you ever get a Rottweiler, or if you have one already, just remember to love them and take good care of them. Feed them right, play with them, and don’t forget those vet visits.

They’ll grow up to be these amazing dogs that’ll be by your side, always loyal and loving.