Why Do Rottweilers Howl? (7 Reasons and their Fixes)

Have you ever been chilling at home when your Rottweiler suddenly starts howling? It’s a sound that’s hard to ignore, and it might even make you jump! If you’ve got a Rottie, you’ve probably been there. And like me, you’ve probably wondered: Why is my Rottweiler howling now?

Rottweilers howl for different reasons, just like they bark or whine for different things. Sometimes they howl because they’re bored, or they might want to tell you something. Other times, they could be feeling anxious or just following their natural instinct. It’s like their way of talking to us, and each howl can mean something different.

So let’s discuss 7 reasons why your Rottweiler might howl and how to solve them.

1. Your Rottweiler Wants Attention

Rottweilers are social animals, just like we are. They’re used to being around people and other dogs, so when they’re alone or feel ignored, they might feel a bit lonely.

Howling is their way of saying, “Hey, I’m here! Come hang out with me!” It’s not that different from when we call out to our friends or family when we want to get their attention.

Thor, my Rottweiler, has often shown that he wants to be involved in everything happening around the house. Sometimes when I’m working on my computer or watching TV, I’ll hear a howl from the other room. That’s Thor’s way of saying, “Don’t forget about me; I’m here too!”


Spend Quality Time Together: Hang out with your Rottweiler and give them lots of love and attention. Play fetch, go for walks, or just sit and pet them. They’ll probably be happier and stop howling once they get the attention they crave.

Create a Routine: Dogs love routines because it helps them know what to expect. If you feed, walk, and play with your Rottweiler at the same times every day, they’ll feel more secure and won’t need to howl to get your attention.

Training and Positive Reinforcement: You could teach them a different way to ask for what they want. Using treats and praise, train them to sit or nudge you with their nose instead of howling. They’ll learn that there’s a better way to get your attention, and you’ll both be happier.

Avoid Negative Attention: If you yell at them or get upset when they howl, they might think that howling is a good way to get attention, even if it’s not the kind of attention they want. Instead, try to stay calm and show them what you want them to do.

2. They howl when they are Bored

Rottweilers are super energetic and intelligent dogs. They need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy. If they don’t get enough exercise or things to do, they can get bored pretty quickly. And when they’re bored, howling might be their way of saying, “I need something to do!”

One day, I was working from home and couldn’t take Thor out for his usual walk. He became restless and started howling. When I saw him, I just knew he was bored and wanted to do something.


In my opinion, keeping a Rottweiler like Thor entertained isn’t just about stopping the howling; it’s about keeping them happy and healthy. These dogs are full of life and love, and they thrive on activity and mental stimulation.

Keep Them Active: Playtime and walks are a must. I always make sure to take Thor on long walks or play a game of fetch in the yard. Trust me; it makes a world of difference.

Provide Toys and Puzzles: Giving them toys, especially puzzle toys that make them think, can keep them entertained for hours. Thor has this one puzzle toy that he can’t get enough of!

3. Something’s Wrong

Rottweilers are pretty tough dogs, but that doesn’t mean they can’t feel pain or discomfort. If something is wrong, like an injury or feeling sick, they might howl to let you know. It’s their way of saying, “Hey, I need help!”

This one day, Thor started howling in a way that sounded different from his usual howls. I knew something was off, so I went to check on him. I found him licking his paw, and upon closer inspection, I noticed a small thorn embedded in it.


Check for Injuries: Always look them over to see if there are any visible injuries. It’s something I do with Thor if he starts acting differently.

Observe Their Behavior: If they’re eating less, limping, or acting strange, it might be a sign that something’s not right.

Visit the Vet: If you’re ever in doubt, take them to the vet. It’s always better to be safe and get a professional opinion.

4. They often Howl when they Hear other dogs

I remember one day when we were out on our usual walk, and we heard the distant sound of a dog howling. Thor immediately perked up his ears, tilted his head, and let out a howl of his own. He looked so curious and excited, like he was trying to say hello to a distant friend.

Rottweilers and other dogs often howl in response to hearing other dogs howling. It’s kind of like a long-distance chat between them.


Distract Them: If your Rottweiler starts howling when they hear other dogs, you can try to distract them with a toy or treat.

Close Windows or Doors: Sometimes, simply closing the windows or doors can muffle the sound of other dogs, so your Rottweiler might not feel the need to howl.

Positive Reinforcement: Teach them that being calm and quiet when other dogs howl is a good thing. Praise them and give them treats when they don’t respond to other dogs howling.

5. They’re Anxious

Just like people, Rottweilers can feel anxious too. They might feel scared of thunderstorms, nervous when left alone (known as separation anxiety), or uneasy in new or unfamiliar situations. Here are a few things that rottweilers are scared of. Howling is one way they might express that they’re feeling stressed out.


Create a Safe Space: Make sure they have a comfortable spot where they can feel safe. For Thor, it’s his favorite blanket and a cozy corner of the living room.

Use Calming Products: There are special dog calming sprays and treats that might help. I’ve found a calming treat that Thor likes, and it seems to make him a little more relaxed.

Behavioral Training: If anxiety is a recurring issue, professional training might be a good option. A dog trainer helped me understand Thor’s specific triggers and how to address them.

Play Soft Music: Some dogs, Thor included, find soft music or white noise calming. It can help drown out scary noises like thunder.

6. They’re Trying to Communicate

Rottweilers might howl to tell you something specific. Maybe they need to go outside, or perhaps they’re just trying to express how they feel. It’s like their way of saying, “Hey, listen to me!”

Around 2 months back, Thor started howling every morning, right by the back door. At first, I was puzzled, but then I noticed he would lead me to his leash. He was telling me that he wanted to go for a walk!

Rottweilers like Thor are more than just pets; they’re family. And just like any family member, they want to communicate with us. I’ve learned that Thor’s howling isn’t just noise; it’s a form of expression.


Understand Their Needs: Pay attention to what they might be trying to tell you. Are they hungry? Need to go out? Understanding their needs can help you respond appropriately.

Teach Them Other Ways to Communicate: If the howling is too much, you can train them to use other methods, like sitting by the door when they want to go out.

Avoid Encouraging the Howling: If you give them treats or attention every time they howl, they might think that’s the way to get what they want. Be mindful of how you respond.

7. It’s Just Their Instinct

Howling is a primal instinct in dogs, and Rottweilers are no exception. It’s a way they might connect with their wild ancestors like wolves. Sometimes, they howl just because they feel like it, and there doesn’t need to be a specific reason.


Let Them Be: If the howling isn’t causing problems and it’s just occasional, you might simply let them howl. It’s a natural behavior.

Provide Enough Mental and Physical Exercise: If the instinctual howling is getting excessive, it might be because they have pent-up energy. Make sure they’re getting enough playtime and walks.

Training: If needed, you can work with a professional dog trainer to address the howling if it’s becoming a concern.

Final Thoughts

Having Thor in my life has been a journey filled with learning, joy, and understanding. From seeking attention to instinctual howls, Rottweilers have their unique ways of expressing themselves. It’s taught me to see howling not just as noise but as a form of communication, a cry for help, a sign of boredom, or even a natural instinct.

By understanding why our Rotties howl, we can build a stronger connection with them and make sure they’re happy and healthy.